Facility marking
We provide professional and in line with current requirements of fire safety regulations, the marking of your buildings, electronic devices, machines and motor vehicles with information and warning signs.
We provide fire protection services for you, including design, installation and inspections of modern fire extinguishing systems.
Among other services, we carry out inspections, maintenance and repair of all types of portable fire extinguishers, approved for use in fire protection.
Advice, consultancy and training in fire safety are other services provided by us.
In addition, we develop and update instructions for fire and emergency evacuation for facilities, and equip them with appropriate labeling.
We invite you to use our services!
We provide professional and in line with current requirements of fire safety regulations, the marking of your buildings, electronic devices, machines and motor vehicles with information and warning signs.
We conduct theoretical and practical training in fire protection and occupational safety and health. We also perform test fire evacuations.