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The presence in production zones of easily flammable materials and substances, the implementation of production processes which involve an increase in temperature or the occurrence of static electricity, sparks or other undesirable phenomena, shortages or damage to the electrical lines in production plants – these and many other factors mean that the risk of fire in production plants is very high. Moreover, the open spaces of production halls create conditions in which fire can rapidly spread.

Losses caused by fire include not only damage to the production line, machinery and devices, but also losses resulting from the forced standstill of production. Even a small fire can paralyse the operation of the entire production plant and temporarily delay or block the realisation of orders. This may directly result in the loss of current clients.

For this reason, it is essential to ensure adequate fire protection for individual machines and devices, production lines, and entire production plants. The full range of active fire protection solutions we offer combined with our many years of experience and engineering know-how mean that we can design and execute comprehensive fire protection systems for any type of production plant and any industry.

Below we present recommended fire protection solutions for individual zones of the production plant.

Production and assembly halls

Sprinkler installations effectively provide fire protection for the majority of production halls. Properly designed for the entire building, during a fire they act only in the zone where fire has been discovered.

Industrial plants, depending in the nature of the operations conducted, may require the use of complementary fire protection systems, for example for the storage of easily flammable products or others which can enter into dangerous chemical reactions when they come into contact with water. It may be necessary in this case to make use of fire alarm systems in conjunction with foam sprinklers or others individually selected by our engineers.

Due to the specific types of fire threat which may exist, it may be necessary to select another extinguishing agent, for example extinguishing foam if in the hall there are large amounts of highly flammable liquids, stearine, waxes, or expanded plastics.

Production lines

Sprinkler installations effectively provide fire protection for the majority of production lines. In order to maximise the safety of employees in the vicinity, it is advisable to make use of a fire alarm system which announces the threat at the earliest stage of the fire.

In the case of production lines where specific types of fire threat exist (such as oil presses), it is necessary to make use of individually fire protection systems customised to the specifics of the devices and fire threat groups.

Conveyor belts and pneumatic conveying systems

Flat conveyor belts or those with a slight incline can be effectively protected with sprinkler installations. In the case of conveyor belts with a significant incline (as well as vertical conveyors), as well as of pneumatic conveyors, sprinkler systems can be useful. An alternative for sprinkler systems is the modern FOGTEC water mist system, characterised by significantly lower water usage.

In protection systems for conveyor belts, linear temperature sensors and modern early stage smoulder detectors are responsible for discovering fire hazards. In the case of pneumatic conveyors, due to the speed at which loads move and consequently at which fire can travel, spark detectors are an appropriate choice. These effectively discover all sources of ignition, such as embers, flames, visible and invisible hot particles, immediately activating the extinguishing process.


Effective fire protection in the majority of warehouses can be provided by sprinkler systems. Properly designed for each building, in the event of a fire they operate only in the zone where fire has been discovered.

As early as the storage method selection phase, we recommend contacting our engineers in order to optimise the demands of the sprinkler system. This will minimise additional works and/or costs before handing the warehouse over for use. To work out detailed guidelines on the architecture of shelf systems [zdanie niedokończone w oryginale].

Due to the specific properties of some stored products, it may be necessary to select another type of fire protection. For storage of easily flammable liquids or synthetic products, foam fire suppression systems are recommended. In warehouses with little space, where hazardous substances are stored (for example, solvent-based paints), an excellent choice is the SafematicTM HP Arnitro based on inert gases. This system extinguishes fires at the initial stage, without leaving pollutants, thus minimising losses and quickly returning the warehouse to useful operation.

In self-storage warehouses or in warehouses where people are only sporadically present, it is worthwhile to make use of preventive solutions such as inerting. This involves reducing the concentration of oxygen by using an inert gas, leading to the creation of a non-flammable atmosphere. Thanks to this, fire is not allowed to develop. Inerting is highly effective in unheated warehouses. A condition for use of this solution is the air-tight nature of the building.

Automation rooms and electrical switching stations

For fire suppression in spaces with sensitive electronic equipment, with strategic significance for production continuity, the best systems are SafematicTM gas fire suppression systems. Depending on the cubic volume of the space to be protected, we recommend:

The so-called clean extinguishing agents used in these systems means that they do not conduct electricity, and after application evaporate, leaving a clean and dry surface. Gas-based extinguishing agents are the only solution which is completely safe for sensitive electronic equipment. All sources of fire are discovered at the earliest stages by point smoke detectors or aspirating smoke detectors, which are an element of the detection system and fire suppression management systems.   

No systems based on wet fire suppression, including water mist systems, are recommended for fire protection in data centres or server rooms. Aerosol particle systems also may be harmful to electronic equipment. The particles can penetrate even the smallest crevices and if not removed within 48 hours may form a corrosive environment.    

One preventive system which does not allow fire to appear is inerting. This involves the controlled reduction of oxygen concentration via substitution with an inert gas, thanks to which an non-flammable atmosphere is created. Inerting can be applied in server rooms where people are only sporadically present. 

For the protection of individual cabinets with a capacity of up to 3m3, it is worthwhile to use an FRS-RACK®2 Extinguishing Panel. This is intended for the detection of fire, its extinguishing and management of the extinguishing process in 19“ rack cabinets. The fire suppression process involves filling the entire protected space with an extinguishing agent.   


For the fire protection of office spaces, the best solution is the use of the water mist fire suppression system. These are characterised by much lower use of water in comparison to sprinkler and spray systems. Apart from water savings, this also allows the space necessary for mounting of the reservoir to be minimised. Thanks to this, the affected room is quickly dried and returned to productive operation. Additionally, also allows the space necessary for mounting of the reservoir to be minimised.

In the case of high-ceilinged spaces (>3.5m), it may be necessary to make use of a sprinkler installation.

Server rooms

For the extinguishing of fires in server rooms, the best solution is SAFEMATICTM gas fire suppression systems. Depending on the cubic volume of the area protected, we recommend systems such as:

The so-called clean extinguishing agents used in these systems means that they do not conduct electricity, and after application evaporate, leaving a clean and dry surface. Gas-based extinguishing agents are the only solution which is completely safe for sensitive electronic equipment. All sources of fire are discovered at the earliest stages by point smoke detectors or aspirating smoke detectors, which are an element of the detection system and fire suppression management systems.   

No systems based on wet fire suppression, including water mist systems, are recommended for fire protection in data centres or server rooms. Aerosol particle systems also may be harmful to electronic equipment. The particles can penetrate even the smallest crevices and if not removed within 48 hours may form a corrosive environment.    

One preventive system which does not allow fire to appear is inerting. This involves the controlled reduction of oxygen concentration via substitution with an inert gas, thanks to which an non-flammable atmosphere is created. Inerting can be applied in server rooms where people are only sporadically present. 

For the protection of individual cabinets with a capacity of up to 3m3, it is worthwhile to use an FRS-RACK®2 Extinguishing Panel. This is intended for the detection of fire, its extinguishing and management of the extinguishing process in 19“ rack cabinets. The fire suppression process involves filling the entire protected space with an extinguishing agent.   

It should be remembered that every production plant has its own specifications and requires an individual fire threat audit. This will allow for the selection of a fire protection solution which is best suited to the needs of a given building.

Do you need effective fire protection for your production plant? Call us on: +48 784 692 396 or send an email to: