It’s worth helping others!

Good multiplies when it is shared, and this year we have decided to share it with the “Zdążyć z pomocą” Children’s Foundation. It’s worth helping others!

We are aware that a company’s success is not determined only by economic indicators. We feel responsible for our closer and further surroundings, therefore, we try to make our activity beneficial for others. Our commitment to corporate social responsibility is usually expressed through the implementation of programmes in the area of education, with an objective to promote the right behaviours when dealing with fire. At family festivals and other events, we teach children and adults how to act in case of a fire, when and with what to put it out, and in what situations one should absolutely evacuate and how to do it in the safest possible way. We also provide fire protection services for charity events in our region, including the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Gdańsk.

Unfortunately this year, due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to limit our activities in this area. We will not be able to share our knowledge during meetings with children and adults or encourage them to handle fire responsibly in near future either. That is why this year we have decided to express our social responsibility for the youngest in a different way, by supporting the “Zdążyć z Pomocą” Children’s Foundation. It’s worth helping others!