The group of inert gases includes:
• IG-01 – 100% argon
Argon is a noble gas which occurs in the amount of 0.93% by volume of the atmosphere which surrounds us. Its density compared to air is 1.38:1. As it is considerably heavier than air, it is recommended for fire suppression in spaces such as technical floors, where the upper part of the building is less well insulated. Due to its high degree of inertia, argon is recommended for suppression of metal fires.
• IG-100 – 100% nitrogen
The natural atmosphere contains about 78.1% nitrogen, with a concentration similar to that of air (0.967:1). Thanks to this, nitrogen provides optimal distribution in the area affected and maintains a concentration effective in extinguishing for a long period of time. This means that nitrogen is effective as an extinguishing agent for a wide variety of applications.
• IG-55 – 50% argon, 50% nitrogen
Argonite, a mixture of argon and nitrogen, is noncorrosive and can be used at normal temperatures with materials such as nickel, steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, bronze, and synthetic materials.
• IG-541 – 52% nitrogen, 40% argon and 8% carbon dioxide
The addition of a few percent of carbon dioxide to the mixture of argon and nitrogen stimulates the respiration processes of living organisms in the low-oxygen environment.
Inert gases are stored in container at pressures of 200 and 300 bar, remaining in a gaseous state. This fact in conjunction with the high concentrations foreseen by designs means that the battery of containers which accompany a fixed suppression system takes up considerably less space than in the case of chlorinated hydrocarbons (FE-36TM or FM-200®).